School Bus Driver Tickets

school bus driver


Bus drivers have a tough career. They have to watch out for passenger safety, hazards on the road, and they have to worry about their own health, safety, and livelihoods. Becoming a bus driver in the State of Washington is not as easy as it once was—drivers have to undergo serious training and tests, and they have to be extra careful. The penalties for errors in driving are too many to mention, but a few include loss of employment, fatalities and injuries, financial liability, imprisonment, and loss of a license to work as a bus driver.

Whether a driver works for Greyhound, drives a school bus, a King County Metro Bus or some other bus transport, we help bus drivers to maintain their careers by helping to deal with traffic ticket and other traffic offenses.


An attorney experienced in dealing with occupational drivers and bus violations can help those who wish to keep their driving records clean and their employment intact. An attorney qualified in dealing with the legal issues that affect bus drivers in their daily jobs can come up with a game plan to help in the event a bus driver has been arrested or charged.

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