Negligent Driving (Second Degree)

Negligent Driving (Second Degree)

Negligent Driving In the Second Degree Violation in Washington State

Negligent driving in Washington State is always a serious offense; however, there is a major difference between negligent driving in the first degree and negligent driving in the second degree. Negligent driving in the first degree violations (neg-1) are criminal and usually involve the effects of alcohol; second degree violations (neg-2), however, are civil traffic infractions, which are also serious because of the conduct alleged as well as the financial penalties and insurance consequences.

RCW 46.61.525 defines negligent driving in the second degree as driving that is negligent, endangers or is likely to endanger any person or property, and that driving is not negligent driving in the first degree.


Washington State law prohibits making any distinction on a driver’s record that is shared with insurance companies between the different degrees of negligent driving. As a result, insurance companies do not always understand the differences between the two offenses.

How Can An Attorney Help?

A neg-2 can create serious problems for licensing as well as expense for insurance. Discussing your case with a traffic attorney who has experience in fighting negligent driving offenses, at the earliest possible time, is critical in attempting to achieve the best possible results.


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