Jun 21
Last month, the Washington Legislature sent Governor Jay Inslee a bill, SSB 5289, that would overhaul Washington's cell phone and texting laws, with tougher penalties to begin in 2019; however, Governor Inslee disagreed with the 2019 date because he wanted the law to take effect immediately. Signing the law while using his veto power at a bill signing ceremony in Tacoma read more
Jun 21
Five years ago a law took effect that severely penalized drivers who drive negligently, endanger or drive in manner that would likely endanger persons/and or property, and the driver proximately causes the death, great bodily harm, or substantial bodily harm of a vulnerable user of a public way. This offense is enforced by way of a traffic citation issued to the driver, and the offense is called negligent driving in the second degree with a vulnerable user victim. read more
Feb 21
With President Trump's decision to attempt to deport individuals in the United States who are here illegally, and perhaps even some noncitizens who are here legally, immigrant drivers have serious reason for fear and concern. read more
Feb 21
In looking to raise revenue for everything from court computer systems to street maintenance, it's become a common pastime for governmental bodies to increase the cost to the public of getting a speeding or other type of traffic ticket. In addition to the fine, drivers are looking at increases in insurance premiums and negative consequences to their driving privilege. read more
Nov 23
"Here's a Traffic Ticket. Please drive more safely next time." These are every driver's least favorite words to hear. Perhaps you were speeding, failed to signal, or were traveling alone in a high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) lane, or perhaps you were doing nothing unusual yet caught the attention of a law enforcement officer. After you've received your traffic ticket and even paid the fine, the real damage to your wallet isn't done. The long-term impact can include employment and driving privilege issues, and for most people a sharp increase in car insurance premiums. Quite often after you have received even just one ticket, you will see an increase in your premiums for several years. But how much will it cost? read more